06 October 2011

Coming soon

The studio is in order, everything is set up and preliminary tests sound like the quality will be just a bit better than before. As usual, we are dumping the MXL SP-1 mic into a peavy board, into the sound card then into Reaper for recording. There may be a post on this in the near future, for those interested in pod-casting and the like. Our gear is pretty old school, but we may add some info on simpler set ups that some of our associates use.

In forge news, we (being Nic and myself) have done some fun new Damascus lately, and pics will be forth coming along with a bit of writing on that. Other projects are being photographed, and lessons on making some of those will appear here eventually. As long time readers know, it can be a fair amount of time between posts, depending on show and life schedules. Now that it is getting colder, posting will be more common. A few future articles will include some non-metal based projects including a solar heater for the shop that you can easily adapt to your work space (now up here, quick boxes for storing items (such as hammers and tongs) and more lessons.

Life has thrown a few curves, so how much gets posted will depend some on that. I hope all of you are having a great fall, get out and enjoy the colors and the crisp air.

Until then, stay tuned, keep the fires burning!

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